Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Short Starbucks Case Summary Essay Example for Free

Short Starbucks Case Summary Essay The Starbucks case is about the times when Starbucks did well and when it went poorly. It begins when Howard Schultz buys the company and put his plan in action. Schultz had a vision to make a chain of coffee shops and that would become the Americans â€Å"third place†. This â€Å"third place† would be a place where you could go and small talk with people and enjoy a cup of coffee, or perhaps be by yourself and drink your coffee. It was supposed to be a place between home and work. Schultz idea proved to be a good one and he could proceed to open up several coffeehouses across America. This would later be seen as a mistake. As Starbucks grew in recognition, Schultz expanded the business fast. The people at Starbucks had an ideal to follow; customer satisfaction. As the business grew, people would lose faith in Starbucks nice atmosphere and only see the company as a money making machine. Why was that? The ideal they followed was for the customer to be satisfied, to be met by a nice clerk and get the coffee fast. What the higher ups in the company first thought was that if they increased the hours of labor a week it would bring more time to small talk with customers and give them their coffee even faster. But they soon realized that the problem was in the marketing department. Starbucks had three sections that concerned marketing; the market research group, the category group and the marketing group. Starbucks lacked a strategic group that focused on the big picture. They also needed a chief marketing officer that could make decisions. This meant that the entire decision making process had to be done by all of Starbucks senior executives. All the data that was collected was for nothing if no one looked at it and saw what was wrong. However, now they knew what the problem was. At first Starbucks primary customers were people with education, mostly women between ages 24 and 44. They were still there but the new customers were less educated and had lower income bracket. These were the persons that only saw Starbucks as a money making machine. So now Day, Starbucks senior vice president of administration proposed that an investment of 40 million dollars per year to add additional 20 hours of labor a week. It met a lot of resistance in the company but Day said to look at it as a customer-oriented investment rather than seeing labor as an expense. This meant that Starbucks, a company with the policy to have as high customer satisfaction as possible rather than as much profit as possible were neglecting the customer. They were still using their original idea but now on the wrong customers.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Literature Essay -- Education, Reading

Literature has the ability to take students to new places, and it allows them to experience many things they will never encounter in their lifetimes. In an effort to afford this opportunity to experience new things to all children, numerous studies have been conducted to examine ways to improve elementary students’ reading skills and overall reading comprehension. Within these studies, scholars have discussed links between vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary knowledge, fluency, and reading comprehension. This paper discusses these links and strategies to help students improve all aspects of their reading. In 1997, Congress asked the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD, 2000) to select an independent panel of reviewers to evaluate research and literature in order to determine the most effective way to teach children how to read. This panel was comprised of fourteen individuals from a variety of backgrounds; scientists in reading research, representatives of colleges of education, reading teachers, educational administrators, and parents. The panel came to be known as the National Reading Panel (NRP). The result of the NRP research was that the most effective way to teach children to read is through diverse instructional methods and techniques. According to the panel, effective reading instruction should consist of teaching students to break apart words and listen for sounds (phonemic awareness), teaching students that sounds form words (phonics), having students read aloud and provide them with feedback (guided oral reading), and applying comprehension strategies to guide and build complete reading comprehension. With this new wealth of knowledge, the NICHD began distributing their findings to... ...ntiff. This enriched content allows little doubt as to what the meaning of the vocabulary word is. The reader is able to use this example to not only learn the meaning of the word, but to gain an understanding of the purpose and way to use context clues to construct meaning. Hacker (2004) pointed out that one important strategy that is central to improving students’ reading comprehension is students’ ability to monitor their own comprehension. This concept is carried out by students identifying and resolving their own errors in reading. Students need to be able to decide whether or not what they have read makes sense. If not, they need to realize that they have encountered an error and begin problem solving as to what needs to be reread. This skill is especially important as students get older and begin reading an increasing volume of text independently. Literature Essay -- Education, Reading Literature has the ability to take students to new places, and it allows them to experience many things they will never encounter in their lifetimes. In an effort to afford this opportunity to experience new things to all children, numerous studies have been conducted to examine ways to improve elementary students’ reading skills and overall reading comprehension. Within these studies, scholars have discussed links between vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary knowledge, fluency, and reading comprehension. This paper discusses these links and strategies to help students improve all aspects of their reading. In 1997, Congress asked the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD, 2000) to select an independent panel of reviewers to evaluate research and literature in order to determine the most effective way to teach children how to read. This panel was comprised of fourteen individuals from a variety of backgrounds; scientists in reading research, representatives of colleges of education, reading teachers, educational administrators, and parents. The panel came to be known as the National Reading Panel (NRP). The result of the NRP research was that the most effective way to teach children to read is through diverse instructional methods and techniques. According to the panel, effective reading instruction should consist of teaching students to break apart words and listen for sounds (phonemic awareness), teaching students that sounds form words (phonics), having students read aloud and provide them with feedback (guided oral reading), and applying comprehension strategies to guide and build complete reading comprehension. With this new wealth of knowledge, the NICHD began distributing their findings to... ...ntiff. This enriched content allows little doubt as to what the meaning of the vocabulary word is. The reader is able to use this example to not only learn the meaning of the word, but to gain an understanding of the purpose and way to use context clues to construct meaning. Hacker (2004) pointed out that one important strategy that is central to improving students’ reading comprehension is students’ ability to monitor their own comprehension. This concept is carried out by students identifying and resolving their own errors in reading. Students need to be able to decide whether or not what they have read makes sense. If not, they need to realize that they have encountered an error and begin problem solving as to what needs to be reread. This skill is especially important as students get older and begin reading an increasing volume of text independently.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Academic Research and Communication Skills

The research study could not be completed without their guidance, assistance inspiration and co-operation. This project report is the fruit of intense hard work and dedication during the project work. I wish to thank our project supervisor Mr.. Fanfare Imam for his esteemed guidance during the course of project work. I am grateful to him for giving me an insight Into the realm of Academic Research and Communication Skills and build up a strong foundation. In spite of his busy schedule, he was always available whenever I required help.I appreciate all the technical help received from various sources. ABSTRACT The first and most objective of my study is the comparative analysis of consumer eying behavior from the local traditional markets and organized retail shops in India specifically Iambi. The study of consumer behavior is the most important factor for marketing of any goods and services. It suggests how an individual, groups and organization select ,buy, use and dispose the goods, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants.The term ‘retail' means to put on the market, and Is a very Important aspect of every city. Without a well organized retail industry we would not have our necessities and brings us a blissful experience of shopping. Though organized retailing industry began much earlier in the developed nations, India had not actively participated. However with its vast expanse and young population, India in the 21st century emerges as a highly potential retail market. Now-a-days the phrase ‘Shopping Mall' is synonymous to ‘comfort' which is what each consumer today desires.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Effects of Globalization on Union Membership Free Essay Example, 1750 words

The term globalization is now occupying center stage in contemporary economic, social and political discourse. It is being projected as a phenomenon which has grave portents for the continued existence of the trade union movement and it is, therefore, necessary that the members of trade unions, including the rank and file, have a clear appreciation of its meaning and implications. The term has only recently been popularized, and there is a sense that the phenomenon has suddenly become an issue in academic, intellectual and popular discourse. It may well be true to say that prior to the 1990s, Caribbean trade unionists would not have focused significantly on globalization as a phenomenon in their teachings or even in their strategizing and planning on behalf of their membership. Yet, to the extent that emphasis was placed on explaining the economic history of the region, and of the world, in locating the birth and struggles of the trade union movement for existence, the emphasis wou ld have been placed on describing the economic foundations of globalization. Globalization is a creature of the thinkers, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, and policymakers of the dominant countries of the world. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Globalization on Union Membership or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Much effort has been expended in developing a paradigm shift, in forcing the mass of people into observing the reality of their existence from an alternative viewpoint. Few now see socialism as a path for human development, and most are convinced that the market is the mechanism for advancement. Underdevelopment in former colonial territories can no longer be blamed on the colonial masters but must be seen as the fault of the colonials, who no longer require aid and assistance. The demography of labor unions is far and widespread. The impact of liberalization on employment and wages are massive. A study in Indonesia and Chile reveals this phenomenon. This study divides the study period into two: the period 1991 to 1996 which is the reform period, and the period 1997 to 2000 which is called the crisis period. 1997 marks the genesis of the crisis currently afflicting the Zimbabwean economy.